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Sep 13, 2019

Isabelle Griffith is an Emotional Wellbeing Coach who believes that the most important relationship for us to nurture is the one we have with ourselves. After years in the corporate world, she now helps her clients to be more present in their life and manage their mind so that they can be the parent, partner, leader or simply human that they wish to be. She specialises in helping women cultivate a more compassionate mind so that they can turn their inner voice into an ally rather than the enemy that it often is.

#IntrovertsInspire #DoWhatYouCant

“For me there was a defining moment a few years ago for me where I found myself sitting on my bench outside my house it looked like the idyllic moment to passers by, but in my mind it was far from that”  - Isabelle Griffith

“I was in a prison.  From years of wanting to control everything in my life and know the outcome for everything” - Isabelle Griffith

“A lot of people will resonate with those uncontrollable thoughts and not knowing what to do with it and I love how you’ve used that experience to turn it into something positive”” - Gemma Stow

“What you’ve helped me realise is that there are ways to be introverted, run a business, be visible and promote yourself that can work” - Isabelle Griffith

“One of the big realisations you helped me get to is that what I am seeking is really deeper connections with people and that I don’t want to be on a stage with 1000’s of people but want to work with small groups and go deep, and what a relief that was to find out” - Isabelle Griffith

“It takes time to retune that and I wouldn't have found that out unless I worked with you” - Isabelle Griffith

“Being true to who you are and knowing yourself - it sounds so simple and we often don’t know who we are and we change as we grow older and sometimes we are not the same person we were ten years ago and it is about recognising that for ourselves” - Gemma Stow 

“It is such a simple concept but it goes way deeper than that and it’s not easy doing all this personal development stuff” - Gemma Stow 

“I have loved every minute [of working with Gemma] of it and would recommend it to anyone and as I always say I would have you in my back pocket if I could” - Isabelle Griffith


Download your complimentary Introverts Inspire workbook here: 

More information on the ‘No More Hiding’ Mastermind here: 

Connect with your host Gemma Stow:





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